おすすめ英語の絵本 Aunt Nina and Her Nephews and Nieces  作Franz Brandenberg、 絵Aliki 幼児向け for toddlers


Aunt Nina and Her Nephews and Nieces ニーナおばさんと姪と甥たち

Franz BrandenbergとAlikiのコンビの絵本です。この絵を見ればすぐに他の作品が浮かんできますね。 表紙を見ただけでも「なんか感動するいい物語なんじゃない?」と彷彿させるAlikiさんのイラスト。!(^^)!

本を開けばニーナおばさんとこどもたちの間で起こる出来事から、家族愛、絆、思いやり、そんな胸がじんとくるような言葉がゴロゴロと飛び出してきそうです!ハンカチ必要かしら? ドキドキ。

Aunt Nina and Her Nephews and Nieces

Aunt Nina had no children. She had no husband, either. But she had three nephews and three nieces.

The nephews and nieces liked to visit Aunt Nina.
One year, on her cat’s birthday, Aunt Nina invited all six of them.

“Shall we go to the zoo, toy shop, the theatre, the haunted house, or a restaurant?” Or would you like to have a trreasure hunt?” asked Aunt Nina.

“Couldn’t we just stay at home?” said the nephews and nieces.
“If you like.” said Aunt Nina.

“Where is Fluffy, the birthday cat?” asked the children.
“She must be hiding.” said AUnt Nina.
“Let’s look for her!” said the children.

They started in the basement. They found rabbits, tortoises, guinea pigs, and mice. But no Fluffy. “This is better than the zoo,” they said.

They went up to the first floor. They found dolls,teddy bears, jumping jacks, music boxes, jigsaw puzzles, trains, tin soldiers, and books. But no Fluffy.
“This is better than the toy shop,” they said.

They went up to the second floor. They found dresses, shoes, jewellery, make-up, and wigs.But no Fluffy.
“This is better than the theatre.” they said.

They went up to the attic. They found blowing curtains, flying bats, old suitcases, a lot of dust. But no Fluffy.
“This is better than the haunted house,” they said.

“Don’t worry about Fluffy,” said Aunt Nina. “She’ll show up for her party.”
“I with I had a cat of my own,” said one of the nephews.
“So do I! And I! And I! And I! And I!” said all the others.

“Who is hungry?” asked Aunt Nina. “We are!” said all the children.
“All right, let’s have lunch,” said Aunt Nina. They went into the kitchen and had lunch.
“This is better than a restaurant,” they said.

“There is Fluffy!” said the children.
“And what’s that?” Under Fluffy were six newborn kittens.
“What a birthday!” said Aunt Nina.
“This is better than a treasure hunt,” said the children.

“Now let’s leave them alone,” said Aunt Nina. “They don’t like to be disturbed.”
“That takes care of our naps,” said the nephews and nieces.

It was time to go home.”Come see us soon, Aunt Nina!” said the nephews and nieces.
“I will have to,” said Aunt Nina.”To bring you the kittens when they are a little bigger. There is one for each of you.”

“This was better than our own birthdays,” said the nephews and nieces.

5人の甥と姪しか映っていないので、残りの1人がどこにいるのか気になります きっと中に埋もれているのかな。

Aunt Nina and Her Nephews and Nieces
Aunt Nina and Her Nephews and Nieces

もう少し猫が大きくなったら一匹ずつこどもたちにあげるというニーナおばさん。楽しみですね。この続きはAunt Nina’s Visitに続く模様です。
